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Rossmoyne Junior Football Club is proud to be an AFL Gold Quality Club.



The Australian Football League recognises that club volunteers and administrators make a significant contribution to Australian Football. They also recognise that the demands on club volunteers and administrators are increasing along with the need for clubs to operate in a professional manner.

The AFL Community Club Improvement Program has been specifically developed to assist clubs to examine their current operations and identify areas for improvement.

Upon completion of the AFL Community Club Improvement Program clubs are sent a detailed report that provides best practice information to help formulate action plans on improving operations and governance in the future.

Through this program clubs may receive recognition for good/excellent club administration:

  • Quality Club - A level to recognise good club administration

  • Gold Quality Club - A level to recognise excellent club administration

Rossmoyne Junior Football Club is one of only a small number of junior football clubs in Western Australia to have Gold Quality Club accreditation.


We are the only junior football club in the East Fremantle District Football Development Council to have Gold Quality Club accreditation.

The Club's volunteers over the years have contributed to our success as a professionally run association and we continue to strive for excellence in our governance and administration.








Rossmoyne Junior Football Club  

Koolan Drive, Shelley WA 6148  |  PO Box 3031 Shelley WA 6148

Enquiries:   |   Contact Committee Members here   

Rossmoyne Junior Football Club recognises the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land on which our Club sits and pays respect to Noongar Elders past, present and future. 

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